Saint Caillins Well
This holy place where people come every year on November the 13th to pray in honour of Saint Caillin, our local patron saint of fishermen. In olden days, celebrations went on for three days at a time, with house dances going on all night unil morning.
Nowadays people from the parish and all the surrounding parishes start visiting the well from midnight to do the Stations, many in their bare feet.
The ritual is as follows: pilgrims kneel down at a mound by the well and say a few prayers; then each pilgrims picks up seven stones and says an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be To The Father as they walk around the well, also throwing a stone on the mound each time they walk around. This walking round and praying the ususal prayers are an ancient tradition, but in fact prayers will serve just as well.
It is said that fishermen carry water from the well and no boat has ever sunk. Many cures have been reported from sick people who visited the well.