Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Tornado in a Bottle

Tornado in a Bottle
  • 2 Empty 2L Plastic Bottle
  • Strong Tap (Duct/Electrial)
  • Water
  • Food Colouring
  1. Fill one of the bottles three quater with water and food colouring (Make sure not to add too much, you onely need a light colour in water).
  2. Tape the empty bottle to the bottle with water (upside down-opening to opening)
  3. Turn the bottles upside down and swirl in a circular motion.
What happens
When the bottles are turned upside down the air in the bottom bottle wants to get inot the top bottle as fast as it can, while the water wants to get down as fast as it can.  When you swirl the bottles it forces the water out to the edges and fastest route is for the water go down the outside while the air comes up through the middle.  This forms a tornado cone in the top bottle.

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